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Archive for November, 2012


• November 24, 2012

Scratch is basic software designed by MIT students, that makes it easy for people to explore different kinds of digital projects such as creating a video game. I frequently enjoy playing games on addictinggames.com and other websites that feature relatively simple, yet fun flash based games. I’ve always thought it would be cool to create […]

Personal Archiving

• November 17, 2012

The article “Scarcity or Abundance? Preserving the Past in a Digital Era” discusses the idea of what is important to preserve and what is not. As we mentioned in class Twitter is now being archived. I feel that in the future we will likely have so many things archived that it will in a way […]

The Quest for Knowledge

• November 10, 2012

Dan Cohen’s article From “Babel to Knowledge: Data Mining Large Digital Collections” begins by discussing the plot of a short story entitled “The Library of Babel” in which the main character is searching through an endless sea of books in search of enlightenment. This concept reminded me greatly of The Laurentian Library in Florence. Italy […]