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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Dwight D Eisenhower Final Project

• December 17, 2012

Here is a link to my final project: http://kyledavid91.wix.com/eisenhower The project took many hours of research and required me to apply skills I learned in class such as basic HTML coding, how to create a Wordle, and how to create interactive Google maps. I found the project to be a great learning experience and hope you enjoy the […]


• November 24, 2012

Scratch is basic software designed by MIT students, that makes it easy for people to explore different kinds of digital projects such as creating a video game. I frequently enjoy playing games on addictinggames.com and other websites that feature relatively simple, yet fun flash based games. I’ve always thought it would be cool to create […]

Personal Archiving

• November 17, 2012

The article “Scarcity or Abundance? Preserving the Past in a Digital Era” discusses the idea of what is important to preserve and what is not. As we mentioned in class Twitter is now being archived. I feel that in the future we will likely have so many things archived that it will in a way […]

The Quest for Knowledge

• November 10, 2012

Dan Cohen’s article From “Babel to Knowledge: Data Mining Large Digital Collections” begins by discussing the plot of a short story entitled “The Library of Babel” in which the main character is searching through an endless sea of books in search of enlightenment. This concept reminded me greatly of The Laurentian Library in Florence. Italy […]

Effects of PowerPoint

• October 29, 2012

In “PowerPoint is Evil” by Edward Tufte he criticizes PowerPoint stating that the average PowerPoint elevates format over content and is turning presentations into sales pitches. He then goes on to argue that this infection is not just plaguing the corporate world but that it also negatively affects the education system in the United States. […]

One Year At A Time

• October 26, 2012

I found the Feltron Biennial Report to pretty interesting yet a bit OCD. At first I was a bit confused as to what I was looking at but after exploring the website I realized that this was about a guy who logged everything he does ranging from the average time he had a beer, to […]

Week of October 21st

• October 21, 2012

The article we were assigned to read “The Differences Slavery Made: A Close Analysis of Two American Communities” uses a case study to explain digital scholarship and the advantages that electronic media can provide historians. The case study centers around the issue of slavery along the Mason Dixon line and the debate between those who […]

An Update

• October 15, 2012

Last week we did not have a blog assignment because we had off of class on Tuesday for Columbus Day and Thursday was a midterm. There was no assigned reading for this week to blog about but we were tasked with familiarizing ourselves with Google Maps, KML, and Google Docs which it says we will be using […]

Passwords Under Assault: The Ongoing Battle Between Networks and Hackers

• October 1, 2012

A response to Passwords under Assault http://arstechnica.com/security/2012/08/passwords-under-assault/ The article begins by citing a specific incident that took place in December of 2010 where 1.3 million of the users on Gawker servers had their account information compromised which in turn caused a chain reaction for users who used the same email and passwords for other accounts. […]

Weekly Reading Response

• September 24, 2012

I found the most interesting of this weeks assigned readings/viewings to be Chapter 7 “Owning the Past”  As a low school bound undergraduate reading about how copyright law is an ever evolving set of principles was particularly interesting. The article discusses the idea that the law needs to be balanced to protect both consumers and […]